Author’s Bio

Yvonne Yourkowski wrote Murder From Beyond The Grave because she loves to read.  She started to compose her first book in high school, and was also a sketch artist and painter, but life’s realities became a priority over her creative gifts.  She got a Commerce degree, married, had two sons, and now works as a project buyer.  Eight years ago during her first pregnancy she began to write again.  She joined the Saskatchewan Writer’s Guild and Crime Writers of Canada, and attended the Word Guild day seminar in 2010.


Author Yvonne Yourkowski is a creative new writer with a well-honed understanding of some of the inner conflicts that a young woman might go through on the way to a career, and she moves Kaila through her paces smoothly. The clues that arise are painted subtly, and we rarely forget that Kaila is not only a professional crime solver, but a young woman with the usual need to party, talk to her friends, and get things straightened out with the man in her life. Yourkowski provides balanced characters: Kaila, with her yen to be all she can be, loving her parents but needing to get out from under their domination; Grant, her father, who wants a daughter on the police force but also expects her to obey him at home; Holly, an intelligent girl who is still easily led into mischief by her old friend Kaila, often against her better judgment.

Barbara Bamberger Scott, Editor, A Woman’s Write


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